Thursday, December 1, 2011

Creepy Snow Flake

Talking Creep Santa Snowflake (also available in non-talking, and non-Santa versions)

Creepy Kid Faced Snowflake (Voted MOST CREEPY by my co-worker)

Family of Creepy Snowflakes

The Snowman Snowflake

I Have NOOOOO Idea What's Goin' On Here!!!!!
For All Your Plaid Snowflake Needs!
Moose Antler Snowflakes??? WTH!?

The Special Snowflake

Are There Snowflake Labor Laws? (they do look happy though!)

Well, Someone is Sure Cold Hearted!

I HAD to share these. My Co-worker and I were googling snowflake clip art to add to our winter hours sign. I had NO idea so many creepy faced snowflakes existed!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chirstmases Past!

I have a love for campy, anything and everything campy, I probably love it. Not tacky mind you true, roadside attraction campy! Falling under this chatagory is my full on LOVE of aluminium Christmas trees. (sigh) I want one in the worst way, but I have a kid. Sooooo the holidays are about what she wants, not what momma wants. I do, however, have a whole book on aluminium Christmas trees. I have spent hours looking at them on Ebay. My ex and I were married in Dec. so one anniversary we took a day trip to the aluminum Christmas tree museum!!! (I know, right!?) Aluminum Christmas Tree Museum Check it out. It is camp-tacular! So seeing how this is the look....shiny blog, Christmas is coming, and, well, frankly I will use any excuse to look at aluminum trees (especially the ones on the spinny stands with the light wheel. gitty just thinking about it!)


Love this book!
Pink is my absolute FAV!!!!
White and Red NICE!

Reynolds made them, also a company called EVERGLEAM (clever, right!?)


THE LEG LAMP!!! Also, something I want REALLY badly!

With color Wheel!

Hope your holiday season is GLEAMING!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I (heart) sarcasm

<p>I love sarcasm. I find it to be useful in so many situations (though not always beneficial.) True sarcasm is an art my father, and grandfather, perfected, hand crafted and then through hours of sheer exposure passed down to each new child and grandchild. In our family it is used as a shield, a weapon, a coping mechanism, and just basic entertainment. Family events are, loadings and occasionally obnoxious (for the family, but especially the people around us). Nothing and no one is off limits, kids, waitresses, strangers. We don't care. Funerals, weddings, birthdays no occasion is sacred. After hearing my cousin say my family "put the fun back in funeral" an uncle once turned a funeral luncheon sign into the fun earl luncheon. (Earl being the name of the deceased, and needless to say, not so much fun.) My elderly dog began just leaning to the right one day. Chuck nearly fell over laughing (or died from shock) when I began referring to her as Eileen . You see, I am more a when life gives you lemons mix it with a little vodka, and then make fun of it then a lemonade kinda gal.</p>
<p>But there are always those who just don't get sarcasm. Man, those people annoy this piss outta me! They think sarcasm is snarky, or unsophisticated. Well, I would rather be snarky then compliant and boring. (Of course, I dye my hair purple and won't hate Disney princesses, not exactly a conformist.) If you cannot find humor in life then I don't really need you around anyway. My ex husband was also extremely sarcastic (made for interesting fights). He and I remained friends after the divorce and often exchanged dating stories. I remember he and I having a "fight" on Facebook about who got custody of a mutual college friend. I had sarcastically posted a comment about how she was not allowed to be friends with me ex on FB. So she posted that on his wall which I saw, because they are both my FB friends, so I rebutted by saying I saw them talking and retained custody of mutual friends...anyway getting to my point it took on a life of its own and the three of us went back and forth with quite a number of smartass comments. The girl my ex had been seeing read them and commented to him that she just didn't get it. He decided not to try and explain, cause if she didn't get sarcasm, she wouldn't be around long enough to be worth th explanation. If ya don't get it...just move on.

Of course, since the advent of text messaging, Twitter, and Facebook I have found my sarcasm is not as easily detected. Once you have to explain it, well, that just kills the funny altogether. (It's an in the moment kinda humor.) I do so wish there was a sarcasm font so that people who don't  know me well can know that I would never seriously drop kick the neighbor's constantly barking, rat dogs, or not take care of old Eileen, but I can't laugh about life's bad times and frustrations, I'd loose my mind!

Sarcasm, it's what's for dinner!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Because I love animals, and because I have an AWESOME sense of humor, and because well, it's just damn cute. Today's shiny is inspired by a FB post by my besty and my co-worker who likes to torment her new puppy by making him look sill...I mean super cute! (tee hee)

Hellllooooo kitty!

For my dog who is part Boston and my daughter who LOVES triceratops (also loves our dog)

Poor cute baby!

Just Funny!
Looks GREAT!

OMG!!! Need I say more!?

Just Awesome!
Embarased or low budget?

No better excuse than Halloween to embarrass the kids AND the pets! No need to choose do both.

Monday, October 10, 2011

4 year old comedian

<p>As I have written in my other blog, <a href="http://">There is an Elephant in the Room!?</a> I have a new (almost) step-daughter. She is caring, sweet, and has a funny little sense of humor. It is kind of like living with a miniature comedian. Her favorite couple of lines are "that's silly. I am just a little girl" and "I'm just kiddin'. I'm just jokin'." She delivers they just like a comic would to, like a punch line. She will look at you straight faced and say "I'll drive home, right?" Then she pauses and says "That's silly. I'm just a little girl" then chuckles at her own joke. This morning she came flying in the bathroom door as I was getting out of the shower. She looked at me straight faced and said "I have tears on my nose and I don't know why. I wasn't even crying" I must have looked confused because before I could even respond she said "I'm just kiddin'. I'm just kiddin' I did cry a little." Turned out to be a minor disagreement with her father, but it amazed me how she told me one thing totally straight faced, then followed up with her "I'm just kiddin'" and giggled. I thought, "Huh only 4 and already got a sense of humor about life's little disappointments" She's fit in just fine around here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ode to Friendship

To all the peeps that help me get through life!

My friends are unique!

Each on special in there own way!

They help me when I need them the most!
They make me smile even when I don't feel like smiling!

They make me feel warm and fuzzy!!!!

Thank you to all my wonderful friends for all your love and support as my life, and my mood, is forever changing! I would be lost without all of your support, alcoholic drinks, and shoulders to lean on (when stumbling figuratively or literally). You make me laugh and you laugh at me (it's ok I laugh at you too). It's really something special! Love you all!

Also, a special thanks to bat crap crazy for inspiring BOTH my blogs today!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Versatile Blogger Award

Oh, oh my goodness! Well this is just unexpected, I don't know what to say. Let me first thank my family who has supported my dear, dear almost husband for supporting me in all my excenticness and then going public with it. Also, I would like to thank my girls for inspiring me to just be silly. You the read for every once in awhile looking at my craziness. And Last but not least Gene Pool Diva For finding me when I was just a little blog and making one of her 15! I couldn't be one of 15 without you.

Now moving on to more about me. Seven things you don't know about me (I don't know who you are OR what you know so I'm just gonna through some stuff out there, ok? ok!)
Now some of these may shock you, but hold on here goes:
#1 I am NOT a professional blogger. I know, I know it's had to tell, but I actually have a full-time job, kids, dogs, and some other hobbies...ok interests.
#2 I am NOT always this serious. It's true I have a lighter side. I also write another blog about less serious stuff like feeling "crazy" and raising "crazy" kids!
#3 I am tattooed. Five now, and probibly not done.
#4 I have dogs. (refur to #1) Two, one old and weird and one young and not so smart.
#5 I am addicted to coffee and coffee makes me distractable...wait is that one thing or two?
#6 I have MANY MANY identities. here I am Peppermint Patty, on Facebook and Twitter I am Patty Kay, but in real life. I have a secret identity.
#7 I am writing this in order to procrastinate at work. (Thank goodness for my secret identity)

Now to award my 15 blogs.....ANNNNNNNDDDDD the winnners are

this is getting hard, clearly I do not socialize enough online!
8 Mama Knows Best Blog (sorry fake)
Ok, Ok I can't make it to 15 and even at 12 I cheated and put in a few that were already established writers, but I tried!!!!

Thanks again Gene Pool Diva!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

After Aug I turn into a Pumpkin

I have a love of all things fall (except Halloween) Thanksgiving, the fall leaves, fall colors, smells, tastes! Oh My!!!!! Pumpkin farms with the kids. A hayride in the evening with a bonfire after, and gooey ooey s'mores. Last weekend I had a hot apple dumpling complete with Carmel AND ice cream on top. Heaven! Ahhh it is just the best time of the year.

But ohhhhh let me tell you if I am passionate about anything it is about PUMPKIN! I love pretty much anything pumpkin flavored. I make a list every fall of all the pumpkin yumminess I have gotten my hands on. It ends up sounding similar to Bubba in Forest Gump. "Shrimp kabobs, shrimp scampi, shrimp sandwiches..." Pumpkin roll, pumpkin beer, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pancakes (2 of my favorites mixed together) pumpkin latte, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin bread, pumpkin dip....I could go on forever!

Anyway my little pumpkin tangent was brought to you today because of my mother, and my coworker. Yesterday my newly retired mother sent a loaf of pumpkin bread to work for me. I was so excited about it that I didn't even take it home to share with the boy and the kids. (shhhhhhh I am keeping all for myself) Then TODAY my coworker brought me THESE as a surprise!!!!! OH PUMPKIN HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My two pumpkin treats TOGETHER!
Homemade pumpkin bead (yeah it is prob a mix, but I don't care)

Monday, September 26, 2011


Pancakes are my very FAVORITE!!!!!
Banana Nut! One of the best types of pancake IMO

I have never actually had apple, cinnimon oatmeal pancakes, but they look super yum!

Pumpkin Pancakes. Two great ideas united!

Blueberry pancakes...sometimes

And that's just damn cute!
This is just weird!

Some smart person even came up with POTATO pancakes!!!!

HELL YEAH!!!! I gotta have me one-a these!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

These Boots Were Made for Walkin'

Boots, boots, boots, boots boots! I am not a country gal, nor a city girl. I guess you would call me contemporary country. But to me fall means one thing...the return of my cowgirl boots! LO-VE THEM! My boy, he is not a fan, but I can't help it. They make me happy, make me feel sexy, proud. The make me strut! I even have his daughter wearing my favorite pair from when my daughter was little. They are ruby red, with silver toes, in about a kids size 10! She wears them with pride and tells everyone she is now a country girl! Makes my day! So here is my solute to the awesomeness that is BOOTS!
AMAZING Color!!!! Love it!!!

Need a pair for both my girls.

SOOOO much fun. I TOTALLY want these rain boots.


Classic. Good color. Wear with anything.